something like that...

Wednesday, November 06, 2002

creating new friendships is always an awkward thing. atleast for me. i HATE the beginning crap...the crap when you dont have any experiences together yet, and you dont quite know what to talk about until you do start hanging out together. hate that.

BUT, it is SO good that i am making MY own friends here. its about friggin' time! sheesh! *giggle* girlfriends! i sound so cliche and so faddish and so "girl power"! LOL....i am not really, i just know how important having friends that are girls are...especially now. :)

anyway...10 minutes until work is over. of course callie decided that "uhg, she just didnt want to be here today, so do you mind if i leave at 3?". gee...what the hell am i gonna say? i mean, SHE is my boss...its not like i can say "NO". yet, she is ALWAYS doing this to me. dumbass. drama drama drama.

AND...i think its about time that amanda tells me how to do the little comment thingy. i could look for it, but then that would require some effort on my part, and its just easier being told! ;)

yeah. sure. something like that.


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