something like that...

Monday, December 09, 2002

i emailed this to amanda...and was pretty damn impressed with myself. thought i would post it:

this weekend will be lovely! the best people, staying together...all knowing that we are there because we have finally weened (sp?) out the fake ones. i mean....everyone there at allisons will KNOW, from experience, some of the best "traditions" that the "freaks" have (ie. kings...porch...donnie playing the guit and singing like south park...bitch pops...). there will NOT be any "getting it done!" there wont be any "don becker!!!!!" (not HIM, just that screaming). it will be...dare to say...pure? real? true?

good times. i am excited for it. i plan, very much so...this weekend (atleast) for sure friday...just letting go. letting go of ALL the things that i stress about. letting go of all the things that are or arent happening right now for me. letting go of everylittlething that does not put a smile on my face...and for those 4-6 hours, while the band is on...i will just enjoy. they can even pull out I DID IT...and i WILL enjoy it.

those two and a half hours USED to be what i hungered for. those two hours USED to be the best place in the world for me. i remember those two hours used to be bliss...i USED to be able to go into those concerts and just let go...for those TWO hours. i want it to be like that WILL be like that again this weekend. it HAS to be...

i dont really PLAN on touring a whole lot next summer, mostly because i feel that life is taking me in a different direction...and my focus has changed quite a bit over the past year. i USED to fight that...but i am not anymore. i am okay with that change of focus, and almost welcome it. however, it will be nice to "go out" on a positive note. it will be nice to "go out" the same way i "went in"....excited...passionate...intense...for all intents and purposes..."in love". in love with the music.

ahem. okay...i am done now ;) sorry about that.

and no, i dont mean that i am not going to any more dmb concerts next summer. no, i will ALWAYS go to concerts...its in the blood i think. BUT, i hope...and dont really have the desire to go to 35 in one summer. i dont even really want to get up to 10 shows in one summer. of course trying to decide WHICH shows those "few" will be, is going to be the tricky part. :)


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