something like that...

Wednesday, November 13, 2002

what to do, what to do? nothing to do. uhg....

i have realized that i dont take criticism well, at all...i feel really badly when any kind of negativity is directed toward me. its something that IS life, i know this, but its something that is hard for me to let go of. i take it to heart. as shady as i am sometimes, or come intention is never to hurt anyones feelings. when that happens...due to my behavior and actions, its not right. i am sorry for doing that.

what i miss: i miss working at sunance, and arriving at 9am or so. katie and i (or patrick and i) walking to get either coffee, a bagel, hot cocoa, or chai at the coffee shop down the street. ahhh, those were good times, thats for sure. all cold and snowy out...yet making the treck with good people. that was fun. and i miss RJ...maybe its just getting to be that time of year that i NORMALLY start working with him, and this year i am not...and its odd. he is one of the most unconditional people that i know, and that is the coolest thing.

yeah. its gonna be a long day at work folks. i dont have a THING to do except sit here and LOOK busy, and think. uhg...

*I* *i* *I* *I* *I* AAAAH! enough already!


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