something like that...

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

hmm, so much to say, so much to say. its probably gotta be short, since i am at work ( instructed...), and The Boss is going to arrive any minute to tell me how to do my job.

so, we get home from softball last night...ohh, say 9pm....and jonathon goes to ask his mother a question and is "SHHHHHHHHHed" by BOTH his mom and step-dad. to which his response was "you can rewind it!", to which they "SHHHHHHHHHed" him again. interesting. when was the last time YOU were "SHHHHHHHHed twice, in your own home? and when was the last time taht YOUR parents pretty much made it very clear that they didnt want you downstairs, where they were, in YOUR OWN HOME?

the icing on the cake was sunday when i had just gotten out of the shower, and was getting dressed upstairs in "our" room...when Jeff (jonathon's brother) just moseys on up the stairs, didnt even yell up to ask if we were decent, or if he could come upstairs. he just walked upstairs, and i ducked behind the bed because i was naked...and he just went into the computer room. didnt say anything. jonathon just stood awe. he gently went and closed the door. and that was the end of the story. noone said anything to Jeff, and noone will.

so...being shhhhhhhed was the cherry on top of the icing that took the cake. its has GOTTA come to blows. the shhhhhing and the fact that they were lounging on our couch, watching our tv and making it VERY uncomfortable to be anywhere but upstairs, in OUR house was like a slap in the face.

as far as i am concerned, we need to look for another place to live. cause ya know, if we move...there isnt ANYTHING lost, at all. no money, nothing. we can only gain from it!


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