I would like to take a poll.
For those of you that have an office, or a desk with a computer, to sit at while at work...what do you do when you first arrive at work?
Do you...walk right in, sit at your desk, log into your computer and immediately begin by working the day away (making calls, returning emails, designing, planning meetings, etc...)?
Do you...come in, log into your computer, check email (ALL email accts, not just work), check out msn.com or cnn.com to see whats happening in the world, check out people.com to check out the Star Tracks and catch up on celibrity gossip, go get some coffee (tea, hot cider, water...whatever you drink in the morning), check messages, write bills, ect...anything else to procrastinate the work day to begin?
I happen to be personality numero 2. I get to work, and take a good half hour to an hour to "gear up" and "prepare" to work. My boss, on the other hand, is personality numero 1. She speed walks (SRPINTS!!!!) in the door, sits down at her desk, and literally within 2 minutes she is emailing, calling, planning..all work related. Its odd. to me. Sometimes I just want to shake her and say RELAX! EASE INTO IT!!!!
Maybe I am a slacker, which I fully admit.
For those of you that have an office, or a desk with a computer, to sit at while at work...what do you do when you first arrive at work?
Do you...walk right in, sit at your desk, log into your computer and immediately begin by working the day away (making calls, returning emails, designing, planning meetings, etc...)?
Do you...come in, log into your computer, check email (ALL email accts, not just work), check out msn.com or cnn.com to see whats happening in the world, check out people.com to check out the Star Tracks and catch up on celibrity gossip, go get some coffee (tea, hot cider, water...whatever you drink in the morning), check messages, write bills, ect...anything else to procrastinate the work day to begin?
I happen to be personality numero 2. I get to work, and take a good half hour to an hour to "gear up" and "prepare" to work. My boss, on the other hand, is personality numero 1. She speed walks (SRPINTS!!!!) in the door, sits down at her desk, and literally within 2 minutes she is emailing, calling, planning..all work related. Its odd. to me. Sometimes I just want to shake her and say RELAX! EASE INTO IT!!!!
Maybe I am a slacker, which I fully admit.
At 3:25 PM,
Nikki said…
I'm somewhere in the middle - and mostly, that depends on what my day is like. I definitely ALWAYS check all email first -and then a quick look at the blogs...but if i've got a lot to do, i usually hop to after 15 mins or so - I don't like working for unpaid OT!
At 10:25 AM,
jennifer said…
These days:
I come in, log on, download emails (make sure there are no fires), open the Post, gmail & then go make tea and eat my yogurt. check voicemails...
So, I think I do a little of both :)
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