OKay, this is a "rant" "bitch" "vent"...sort of, however my feelings are quickly turning into more "evil" than "anger".
SO the in-laws are in town this week, and then again in two weeks for another week. and let me preface all of this by saying that i LOVE my mother-in-law dearly. i really do. she is a very kind person, and has always "treated" me well (i think she could treat her oldest son, my husband, a little better, but alas, thats my opinion). she always CLAIMS to have only the most genuine intentions....
that said...WILL SHE STOP DOING MY LAUNDRY ALREADY! the woman is in town for ONE day and she is alreay doing our laundry, picking up after us...doing our dishes, and whatever else she does during the day. okay, sure, she claims that she is 'bored" (then why did you come to visit for so long? and again, her visit is NOT to see us...we just happen to have the nice house to stay in), or she claims that she was just trying to help out, or that it needed to be done. fine, but what part of "DONT DO OUR LAUNDRY" does she not understand? how many times have we told her to STOP doing stuff around the house? and yet, she still does it. its seriously like a 2year old. in one ear, and directly out the other. in fact, i wonder if it even GOES in one ear!
Now, i am sure i sould like an ungrateful bitch, which yeah...i probably am. BUT, given the circumstances...and given the history with this house and the living situation over the last year and a half, i feel i have a right to feel anger with her doing my laundry. i mean, come on folks....out of you married people out there...how many of you would feel comfortable with your MOTHER IN LAW doing ALLLLLLL of you and your husband's laundry? we arent talking just doing the shirts and pants and socks. no, we are talking underwear, bras, lingerie, stains, sizes, brand names...EVERYTHING! how embarassing!!! and if i were a mother, i seriously dont think i would WANT to KNOW what my daughter in law was or wasnt wearing at any given moment!!!!! ewwwwww! i am sorry, but....ewwww! isnt that an invasion of her son's privacy? what mother would want to know that kind of stuff??????? I DONT GET IT!
not only all of that but, for the love of pete....i am almost 30 years old! I CAN DO MY OWN LAUNDRY! I ENJOY DOING MY OWN LAUNDRY! i am anal, and i like things folded a certain way, and i like things washed a certain way...ya know? plus, as any wife would tell you...there is some sort of satisfaction in "taking care" of her husband (in whatever way a woman feels "taking care of" means...for me, its doing the laundry...of course he needs to help once and a while....or making dinner...etc. old fashioned? maybe, in some people's eyes.), and when your husbands mother comes in and does it...its kind of a slap in the face. ITS NOT HER JOB anymore! its not.
ALSO...i mentioned the history over the last year and a half, and you all remember my rants about them living with us for 9 months, and her moving stuff around and all that crap. well...we actually worked really hard to save enough money, or to get out of some debt so we could hand over a check to them for the house. we did it. the house is completely in our names. we OWN it! we paid for it (and still are)....THEY RELINQUISHED ANY INTEREST IN THE HOUSE. they signed their names. they washed their hands of it when they got the big fat check. so for them to come back for a "visit" and not respect that they are guests in our home, just rubs me the wrong way. my parents dont act like that. we dont act like that in beth and fred's million dollar home in arizona! i would NEVER go into her laundry room and do her laundry! hell, when she was living in OUR home, I ASKED her what to do with her laundry if she left it there (for the record, our laundry was not left there....it was in baskets....as i was going to do it this weekend).
anyway. yeah. there you have it. the comedic portion to come later.
SO the in-laws are in town this week, and then again in two weeks for another week. and let me preface all of this by saying that i LOVE my mother-in-law dearly. i really do. she is a very kind person, and has always "treated" me well (i think she could treat her oldest son, my husband, a little better, but alas, thats my opinion). she always CLAIMS to have only the most genuine intentions....
that said...WILL SHE STOP DOING MY LAUNDRY ALREADY! the woman is in town for ONE day and she is alreay doing our laundry, picking up after us...doing our dishes, and whatever else she does during the day. okay, sure, she claims that she is 'bored" (then why did you come to visit for so long? and again, her visit is NOT to see us...we just happen to have the nice house to stay in), or she claims that she was just trying to help out, or that it needed to be done. fine, but what part of "DONT DO OUR LAUNDRY" does she not understand? how many times have we told her to STOP doing stuff around the house? and yet, she still does it. its seriously like a 2year old. in one ear, and directly out the other. in fact, i wonder if it even GOES in one ear!
Now, i am sure i sould like an ungrateful bitch, which yeah...i probably am. BUT, given the circumstances...and given the history with this house and the living situation over the last year and a half, i feel i have a right to feel anger with her doing my laundry. i mean, come on folks....out of you married people out there...how many of you would feel comfortable with your MOTHER IN LAW doing ALLLLLLL of you and your husband's laundry? we arent talking just doing the shirts and pants and socks. no, we are talking underwear, bras, lingerie, stains, sizes, brand names...EVERYTHING! how embarassing!!! and if i were a mother, i seriously dont think i would WANT to KNOW what my daughter in law was or wasnt wearing at any given moment!!!!! ewwwwww! i am sorry, but....ewwww! isnt that an invasion of her son's privacy? what mother would want to know that kind of stuff??????? I DONT GET IT!
not only all of that but, for the love of pete....i am almost 30 years old! I CAN DO MY OWN LAUNDRY! I ENJOY DOING MY OWN LAUNDRY! i am anal, and i like things folded a certain way, and i like things washed a certain way...ya know? plus, as any wife would tell you...there is some sort of satisfaction in "taking care" of her husband (in whatever way a woman feels "taking care of" means...for me, its doing the laundry...of course he needs to help once and a while....or making dinner...etc. old fashioned? maybe, in some people's eyes.), and when your husbands mother comes in and does it...its kind of a slap in the face. ITS NOT HER JOB anymore! its not.
ALSO...i mentioned the history over the last year and a half, and you all remember my rants about them living with us for 9 months, and her moving stuff around and all that crap. well...we actually worked really hard to save enough money, or to get out of some debt so we could hand over a check to them for the house. we did it. the house is completely in our names. we OWN it! we paid for it (and still are)....THEY RELINQUISHED ANY INTEREST IN THE HOUSE. they signed their names. they washed their hands of it when they got the big fat check. so for them to come back for a "visit" and not respect that they are guests in our home, just rubs me the wrong way. my parents dont act like that. we dont act like that in beth and fred's million dollar home in arizona! i would NEVER go into her laundry room and do her laundry! hell, when she was living in OUR home, I ASKED her what to do with her laundry if she left it there (for the record, our laundry was not left there....it was in baskets....as i was going to do it this weekend).
anyway. yeah. there you have it. the comedic portion to come later.
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